Sabtu, 29 September 2018

3rd and 4th week

3rd until 6th September

the teaching days for us again, those days still be turn to perfom our skill inside the classroom

7th September 

it was be our closing ceremony day at PSU Lingayen because for some of us who joined the student exchange program should go back to their country.

8th-9th September

no classes and nothing to do. we spend our free times by watching movie in SM, hangout, and swimming

10th September 

It was be our last teaching day. it was sad because it was sign that just little times left before we going to our country again.

11th-12th September 

those day we spend our times with self report and nothing else to do. just self report, self report, and self report

13th September

This day is the final day for closing ceremony at Bayambang then after the ceremony we went to Mayor house for dinner and preparation to say goodbye

14-15 September

because the warning of typoon, we went to airport a day before the flight. we spend our time onsins the airport and nothing to do until our flights to go back to our country.

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